Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig
4 4 5 5 6 3 9 4 2 4 9 7
Double the charisma and sexiness of the Tiger and no doubt there is a reason these two are attracted to each another! Their similarities however, may cause issues. Both want to be in control and a contest of wills is likely. Since the Tiger is truly warm hearted each needs to take turns giving each other the reins of power! Since the Tiger likes its freedom or to feel free even within a relationship, it is possible that neither Tiger will feel secure for the long term. A steamy love affair is certainly probable!
The two may start out with fireworks but they are so very much alike, this can be challenging for the long haul. Both will want to be the center of attention and both may feel they are not getting what they need. For business partnerships, the Rat can be the secret "power behind the scenes" while the Tiger excels in up front marketing. If these two can find a healthy outlet for their competitive natures then a lasting friendship can result.
These two may be drawn to one another like magnets but , this can be challenging for a committed relationship. The Tiger likes to feel independent, while the Dragon likes to be in control. The danger is that a contest of wills may ensue and while they are a dynamic pair that can keep up with one another in and out of the bedroom, their approaches to everyday living are very different and may prove to be too much to go the distance.
These two may be attracted to one another but this can be challenging for the long term. The Tiger is self-reliant and may not understand that the Rabbit needs to know where it stands in a relationship and an ongoing show of love. The Rabbit is sensitive, caring, giving and if not careful, can be taken advantage of. The Tiger would not do this on purpose, but it is naturally more dominant and can intimidate the Rabbit. As lovers, the Rabbit is so giving that it may not speak up and tell the Tiger that its needs are not being met. And the Tiger may find the Rabbit to be too conservative as a lover.
These two can learn quite a bit from one another and balance out their individual weaknesses. However because they are so different in their natures, it is uncommon to find this pair in a committed romantic relationship. The Tiger loves to start things and Ox knows how to complete them. The Ox is steadfast and fixed while the Tiger is hard to pin down. The Tiger's magnetism will be alluring for the Ox and the Tiger will respect the Ox's focused qualities. For this to work, the Tiger will usually have to win the Ox over with its charisma and personality.
The Snake is mysteriously seductive and the Tiger is charming and sexy so these two may connect very quickly. In business these two can do very well with the Tiger being a natural leader in new ideas and the Snake charming the customers, but in the romance department things are not quite as easy. The free spirited and independent nature of the Tiger can increase the occasional insecure or jealous feelings of the Snake. While the Snake is not aggressive it gets its way though subtle means and the Tiger will want to be in charge as well.
Similar interests and approaches in life make this pair a compatible team in love, business, friendship or as family. They are both social creatures, meeting new people, enjoying many friends and numerous activities. Usually neither sign is prone to possesiveness or jealousy and both need to have their own space so these two are able to balance independence and commitment perfectly well. As lovers, the Tiger will need to be creative and come up with new romantic ideas occasionally to keep the Horse from becoming bored, as the Horse is naturally a bit fickle.
Both love to travel and enjoy new adventures, but they are also very different in key ways. The Goat needs a lot of reassurance, support and a little flattery won't hurt either - to feel secure. The Tiger must feel independent and free or it becomes unhappy. The Tiger would be a great friend for the Goat but as a lover, it may feel the Goat is demanding more than it can or wishes to give. The Goat may feel its loving care is not being returned. It may not be a lack of love, but that their love natures are very different.
This fun-loving pair can make great friends, especially when out on the town. And when the Tiger needs some space , the frolicking Monkey will have no trouble finding something fun to do and will be okay with that. For day to day commitment however they may find themselves challenged. The Monkey likes to be center stage - and so does the Tiger! The Tiger likes to be in charge and the Monkey is a bit of a rebel and even reckless at times, leading the Tiger to feel that the Monkey is not serious. And the Monkey may feel that the Tiger is not emotional and romantic enough for its needs.
Both are capable of fierce loyalty and each have their own brand of charm. They are best suited in a partnership in business where the Rooster takes care of details and the practical needs and the Tiger provides the vision. For romance, however a lot of work is needed to keep the attraction going. The Rooster is a perfectionist according to how it sees the world, and the Tiger wants the world to bend to its needs and wishes! The natural independence and leadership qualities of the Tiger conflict with the Roosters need for predictability, routine and stability.
This duo has great potential for a long term relationship . Neither are prone to jealousy and both are amiable and social. They both share an intense loyalty they have for their loved ones and a desire to protect them. Both will feel secure and loved in this teaming. The Tiger is noble and courageous and will have no trouble gaining the trust of the sometimes skeptical Dog. As the Tiger sometimes needs its space and the Dog also needs its rest periods this pair should not have any issues allowing for some independence. They will accommodate each other's needs as lovers to make sure each is satisfied. They are also compatible as family members, business partners or as friends.
The Tiger is charsimatic and sexy and the Pig is a luxurious sensualist so these two can light the fires of passion and romance. They may be best as lovers and will have to work a bit more on being friends and mates for the long run. The Pig needs a dependable source of support and love and a solid home life to be happy. The Tiger can easily start to feel hemmed in or tied down because of its freedom loving nature which can be puzzling and unsettling to the Pig. Communication and compromise are needed to close the gap.
From: http://www.astrologyscope.com/AstrologyScopeSite/Chinese_Astrology_Compatibility.html
Distributor Oli Hidrolik Free Ongkir Bekasi
4 years ago
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