Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Monkey
Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig
10 4 2 4 10 4 5 5 9 4 8 7
Double the pleasure and double the fun! Two Monkeys get along famously and while there may be some contest to see which one can steal the limelight, the focus is a good time and adventure so even an occasional argument or power struggle will not get in the way for very long. The Monkey can find monogamy challenging but if anyone can understand this - it will be another Monkey! While other signs may feel that the Monkey is too much of a social being, the Monkey pair will have no issue with being out on many a night and leaving the home chores for another day.
An excellent match! These two are the life of the party and can have some incredible adventures together! There may be some competing for the limelight however, and some heated arguments, but they will make up just as passionately. The smart Rat will let the Monkey feel like it has control, while quietly making plans for both! They are both great in business as well as in romance or friendship.
Two hot blooded lovers to be sure! Both are likely to be on the go and have a varied social life. Neither will want to do the chores though, so their home may not be the best kept one on the block! Two courageous, exciting personalities are bound to conflict once in a while but neither are given to grudges so any differences can be worked out. These two can't wait to get back to having fun so they will find a way! They need to be more cautious in business however, and in mutual investments as both tend to be risk-takers.
These two may have some common interests or hobbies but their approach to life is very different, making this a challenge for ultimate compatibility. The Monkey loves socializing, is always seeking fun and pleasure while the sensitive Rabbit would prefer to stay home and have a quiet dinner and watch a video. The Monkey's desire for the excitement of new adventures, crowds and parties goes against the grain of the artistic, inward-looking Rabbit who might go along once in a while but will find a steady diet of the Monkey's lifestyle not to its liking.
This fun-loving pair can make great friends, especially when out on the town. And when the Tiger needs some space , the frolicking Monkey will have no trouble finding something fun to do and will be okay with that. For day to day commitment however they may find themselves challenged. The Monkey likes to be center stage - and so does the Tiger! The Tiger likes to be in charge and the Monkey is a bit of a rebel and even reckless at times, leading the Tiger to feel that the Monkey is not serious. And the Monkey may feel that the Tiger is not emotional and romantic enough for its needs.
The Monkey is most likely the aggressor in the romantic pursuit and the Ox may respond over time. The Ox may think of the Monkey as fun, but sooner or later these two are bound to disagree for their natures are vastly different. The Ox is more shy and quiet and prefers evenings spent at home. The Monkey is a party animal and needs to socialize and mix. The Ox wants a steady partner and will most likely see the Monkey as too risky due to its outgoing nature.
Both signs can be charming and they can have fun together, especially in social situations. But that may be the best part of this relationship. The hot button for the Snake - a tendency to feel insecure or jealous with anyone except the most loyal and devoted lovers, can be a problem with the frolicking and often flirtatous Monkey. While it may not threaten other signs of the zodiac, it may be hard for the Snake to accept the Monkey's outgoing ways. The Snake also likes to stay at home most of the time while the Monkey would prefer to be on the go.
In some ways the Horse and Monkey connect very well, with love of fun, meeting new people and discovering new stimulating experiences. However, the Horse can get a bit restless at times and independent, while the Monkey being a pleasure seeker, will not appreciate the sudden unavailability of its pleasure partner. Both have a potential to stray from a committed relationship or to avoid one, so this is an attraction that may be hot and heavy at first, but rather short lived in duration.
These two may start out as friends or a light fling but a committed relationship is somewhat of a mismatch for this pair. The Rooster enjoys some socializing but not to the extent of the fun loving Monkey, and the Monkey will not respond well to any criticism from the perfectionist Rooster. For an occasional meeting or for friends this can be fine, but daily cooperation will be difficult to achieve. The Monkey may find the Rooster to be a bit of a wet towel after the initial period, while the Rooster thinks of it as spending quality time alone at home together. Not the best match!
This pair can have a lot of fun together and get along well, but there are also some basic differences. The Monkey and Dog both love to get out and socialize, with the Monkey usually being the entertainment director. The Monkey keeps busy with its own agenda so when the moody Dog needs to be alone the Monkey won't mind at all. The Monkey is naturally curious, open and outgoing so it is easier for this sign to become romantically entangled with more than one partner at a time. The fiercely loyal Dog may take this to be a lack of devotion, something the Dog needs.
The Monkey and Pig can be good friends, sensual lovers and enjoy many pleasures together. The Monkey is more animalistic in its desires and pursuit of pleasure while the Pig seeks more luxurious or finer points of pleasure. The problems emerge after they have their fun and the Pig needs the home sanctuary and occasional visits from close friends and family while the Monkey is fine with hardly ever being home! The Pig is generous in many ways so the Monkey should not take advantage of the Pig's good nature and meet the Pig halfway or take turns staying in and going out.
Distributor Oli Hidrolik Free Ongkir Bekasi
4 years ago
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