RAT COMPATIBILITY (10 bening the best)
Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig Rat
9 6 4 7 10 7 3 4 10 6 8 8
A great working team, and also well matched as lovers since the Rats will work hard to accumulate material success and are very practical about sensual pleasures. They may need to pay someone to do the chores however, since Rats usually do not like to do hum-drum chores!
About as good as it gets! As friends, lovers, family members or in business. The Dragon can intimidate other signs in the Chinese Zodiac, but not the Rat - who has a clever wit and loves verbal exchanges. They both like to be in control so there may be some clashes, but both will forget and forgive easily and learn to take turns being center stage. This pair will certainly be the life of any party!
While very different from one another, they are capable of great love and devotion. The Rat is much more outgoing than the Rabbit and may win all the arguments, but the Rabbit can be prone to getting depressed so the Rat will keep the Rabbit's spirits up and on the go. The Rabbit is so very loyal that the Rat will learn to appreciate the special connection it can have with the Rabbit.
These two may start out with fireworks but they are so very much alike, this can be challenging for the long haul. For business partnerships, the Rat can be the secret driving force while the Tiger takes care of the up front marketing. If these two can find a healthy outlet for their competitive natures then a lasting friendship or romance can result.
This is a case of opposites attracting! The Ox tends to be more serious and shy while the Rat is more socialable and easy going. The Rat respects the Ox's dedication and purpose and the Ox enjoys the Rat's sense of humor. They are both very high stamina lovers so no problems there. They are also compatible in business with the Rat's strategic talents and the Ox's steady determination.
The Rat's physical nature and the Snake's alluring appearance can easily bring them together and keep the passions burning. They are very different but these differences can help balance out the other. The Snake is a deep thinker and the Rat is a party animal! The Rat admires the Snake's intellect and the Snake finds the Rat to be clever and fun.
These two have a lot in common so there may be a mutual attraction and friendship at a minimum. But their differences may be a challenge to iron out for a deep commitment. Both are outgoing, like new things and witty. However the Rat likes a close circle of friends to depend upon while the Horse respects and requires independence! The freedom loving and variety loving Horse may prove to be a bit too self-reliant for the Rat.
This pair is great for a business combo with the Rat taking care of the customers and marketing while the Goat provides the creative energy and drive. In love and romance, they may bond very closely at home and connect on a sensitive and deep level. The main problem comes into play in day to day living when the Goat will want to go to some mountain retreat or work on some creative project, while the Rat wants to hang with friends or go to a party!
An excellent match! These two are the life of the party and can have some incredible adventures together! There may be some competing for the limelight however, and some heated arguments, but they will make up just as passionately. The smart Rat will let the Monkey feel like it has control, while quietly making plans for both! They are both great in business as well as in romance or friendship.
The Rat and Rooster can be good friends and lovers too - as long as they are out and about with friends or enjoying the social scene. For the long term, however, the more conservative and careful Rooster may find the Rat's unconventional or creative ideas incompatible with those of the Rooster. And Rat may find the Rooster is too much of a homebody. The Rooster is a loyal mate, so the appreciative Rat should compliment the Rooster often, and make time for quiet evenings at home alone with the Rooster to keep things happy.
This is a good friendship and even better as romantic lovers. The Dog is a loyal friend and Rats love their friends - especially the loyal ones! The Rat is outgoing and light hearted and can cheer up the sometimes moody Dog. Both are physical and down to earth and enjoy the sensual pleasures of romantic encounters. The Rat is shrewd in business and the Dog can sense the inner quality of other people and help the Rat to avoid trusting the wrong people.
An effective combo for friends, lovers or business partners. The Pig likes the finer things in life and the Rat is materially and practically motivated so they can achieve a good life together. The Pig puts family and friends first and the Rat must have its circle of friends so both can enjoy much social life and many mutual friends. The Pig may get a little lazy at times and the Rat may get a bit hot tempered but the Rat is a good communicator so these differences can be ironed out.
Distributor Oli Hidrolik Free Ongkir Bekasi
4 years ago
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