Chinese Astrology Sign Compatatbility: The Dragon (10 being the best)
Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig
10 7 6 7 9 8 8 7 10 9 2 8
An intense, passionate and electric pair! The Dragon is a sexy and allluring presence and together there can be nothing less than fireworks! Both are intelligent and tend to be lucky. The only problem is if they get used to being lucky they take unnecessary risks. Once these two decide on something, there is very little they cannot achieve! With two Dragons there is bound to be some fire and arguments, but usually they will be out having fun and not have much time to disagree!
About as good as it gets! As friends, lovers, family members or in business. The Dragon can intimidate other signs in the Chinese Zodiac, but not the Rat - who has a clever wit and loves verbal exchanges. They both like to be in control so there may be some clashes, but both will forget and forgive easily and learn to take turns being center stage.
While very different from one another, they are capable of great love and devotion. The Rabbit can see into the Dragon's soul and know the Dragon better than anyone. The Dragon can make the Rabbit feel protected and loved. Both enjoy family and friends and the Dragon can help bring the shy Rabbit's fun loving side out, while the Rabbit can provide sweet, sensitive affection and care for the Dragon.
These two may be drawn to one another like magnets but , this can be challenging for the long term. The Tiger admires the ability to make it on its own, while the Dragon likes to be in control. The danger is that a contest of wills may emerge and while they are a dynamic pair and can keep up with one another in and out of the bedroom, their individual desires for dominance in their own ways may make this very difficult.
This is a case of opposites attracting! The Ox tends to be more serious and shy while the Dragon is more social and outgoing. The Dragon thinks highly of the Ox's honorable nature and purposefulness and the Ox thinks of the Dragon as cougrageous and fearless. The Dragon is likely to take the lead in romantic moves. These two make excellent business partners also, with the Dragon's luck with money and the Ox's hardworking and persevering nature.
The Dragon's physical nature and the Snake's subtle magetism can easily bring about a romance between the pair. The Snake will need to keep any jealous tendencies in check while the Dragon makes its social rounds, and the Dragon needs to set aside quiet times at home alone with the Snake, which the Snake loves. These two are good in business together since the Snake is intelligent and intuitive and the Dragon knows how to take advantage of the Snake's hunches and turn them into opportunities.
These two probably met through friends or in some social situation and had an instant attraction. They have a lot in common! They are high energy, love new adventures and being out ont the town. The Dragon may be a bit more confident than the Horse so it will need to remind the Horse that it is special to the Dragon. The Horse can easily get bored with many other signs, but the Dragon can keep the Horse interested for a very long time!
This pair can work out well in many ways. The Goat can provide a nice creative environment for the Dragon either at home or work and the Dragon can provide cheer for the somewhat worry prone Goat. The Goat however likes some independence while the Dragon likes to take care of everybody and be in control, so it is important that the Goat gets it's "space" when needed. As long as the Dragon expresses its love for the Goat, which the Goat needs on a regular basis, with a little flattery thrown in these two can last a lifetime.
Two hot blooded lovers to be sure! Both are likely to be on the go and have a varied social life. Neither will want to do the chores though, so their home may not be the best kept one on the block! Two courageous, exciting personalities are bound to conflict once in a while but neither are given to grudges so any differences can be worked out. These two can't wait to get back to having fun so they will find a way! They need to be more cautious in business however, and in mutual investments as both tend to be risk-takers.
These two balance each other very well and can be a great team, although they may appear to be quite different. The Dragon is outgoing and fun-loving, while the Rooster is more of a home body, even shy and conservative. The Dragon can help the Rooster lighten up and have fun and laughs, while the Rooster can help the Dragon make sure that the practical things in life get taken care of. The Rooster is a loyal lover and the Dragon will appreciate this even if the Rooster tends to nag at times. The Rooster will appreciate the fun and excitement that the Dragon brings.
This is often a case of instant hot attraction, but which has some real challenges for a lasting commitment. It is the Dragon's nature to be expressive and dramatic, while it is the Dog's nature to be calm, emotionally balanced and generally peaceful. The Dog however can be moody, which the Dragon may find hard to understand. It may take some time for the Dog to trust the Dragon, and vice versa, but both are loyal and protective of their loved ones and they have that in common.
The Dragon and Pig make a very compatible pair. Both are basically good hearted people with appreciation for family and friends. The Pig likes the finer things in life and the Dragon will appreciate the Pig's home enivronment. They can be great lovers, but the Pig is not as outgoing so it may want to spend much more time alone with the Dragon while the Dragon will urge the Pig to get out more often! The time they spend together, however, will be special and worthwhile, and both are capable of enduring loyalty.
Distributor Oli Hidrolik Free Ongkir Bekasi
4 years ago
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