Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Pig
Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig
8 7 7 9 8 4 6 9 7 5 7 8
These two being very much alike and not being very competitive in nature, can forge a lasting relationship as lovers, friends, family members or business partners. The focus will be on a comfortable if not luxurious home, enjoyment of fine food and sensual delights, taking naps and baths together and the like. The only downside is that practical chores might get pushed aside and someone will need to make sure the bills get paid!
An effective combo for friends, lovers or business partners. The Pig likes the finer things in life and the Rat is materially and practically motivated so they can achieve a good life together. The Pig puts family and friends first and the Rat must have its circle of friends so both can enjoy much social life and many mutual friends. The Pig may get a little lazy at times and the Rat may get a bit hot tempered but the Rat is a good communicator so these differences can be ironed out.
The Pig & Dragon make a very compatible pair. Both are basically good hearted people with appreciation for family and friends. The Pig likes the finer things in life and the Dragon will appreciate the Pig's home enivronment. They can be great lovers, but the Pig is not as outgoing so it may want to spend much more time alone with the Dragon while the Dragon will urge the Pig to get out more often! The time they spend together, however, will be special and worthwhile, and both are capable of enduring loyalty.
The Pig and Rabbit are a great compatible team, be it in love, friendship, business or as family members. The Pig enjoys giving the love, support, affection and care that the Rabbit must have in order to stay balanced and happy. Both will feel loved and secure and have similar views of the world. The Pig is an optimist and sees the best in others while the Rabbit has great compassion so these two fit like hand in glove. Many signs are too aggressive for the Rabbit and while the Pig is more outgoing, it is not overbearing. Communication between the two is likely to be excellent.
The Tiger is charsimatic and sexy and the Pig is a luxurious sensualist so these two can light the fires of passion and romance. They may be best as lovers and will have to work a bit more on being friends and mates for the long run. The Pig needs a dependable source of support and love and a solid home life to be happy. The Tiger can easily start to feel hemmed in or tied down because of its freedom loving nature which can be puzzling and unsettling to the Pig. Communication and compromise are need to close the gap.
These two will revel in sensuality and are the couple that can spend hours in a bath, eating a meal, or other tactile pleasures. The connection will most certainly be physical at a minimum. However, the more outgoing Pig can also help bring out the Ox's less serious side and the Ox will be there for the Pig in times of need. The Pig is optimistic and sees the best in others and this balances out the sometimes judgemental opinions of the Ox. This pair can do well as friends, lovers and partners.
As lovers they would both enjoy a sensual environment, luxuries which they can afford and are for the most part quiet stay at home types. Despite these things in common, there can be much miscommunication between these two. The Snake finds it difficult to be direct and express its feelings and so it behaves in certain ways that need to be deciphered. The Pig can misunderstand and be hurt by the behavior of the Snake and then the cold side of the Pig would emerge. This will only feed the insecurity of the Snake and it will mostly likely cut the ties that bind.
The sensual Pig will take notice of the Horse's sexual attractiveness and a love affair may soon result. At first glance this may seem like a dream come true, but as time goes on, the innate differences will emerge and require some attention. The Horse comes on strong when it falls in love but often falls out just as dramatically and the Pig needs ongoing support and care, which it happily also provides. The Horse will also want to socialize more while the Pig would be happier to cozy up on a couch for the evening. Compromises will need to be made.
Smooth sailing ahead for these two! The Goat loves giving pleasure, massages, or cooking for its loved one and the Pig is a sensualist who enjoys all of this and enjoys returning the favor. The Pig admires the Goat's imaginative mind and the Goat needs the emotional availability of the good hearted Pig. The Goat needs love and admiration and the Pig loves to care and support their loved ones. With other signs, the Goat may feel like retreating or going off on their own but the Pig's warm heart is capable of creating a safe environment that the Goat will not want to leave!
The Pig and Monkey can be best friends, sensual lovers and enjoy many pleasures together. The Monkey is more animalistic in its desires and pursuit of pleasure while the Pig seeks more luxurious or finer points of pleasure. The problems emerge after they have their fun and the Pig needs the home sanctuary and occasional visits from close friends and family while the Monkey is fine with hardly ever being home! The Pig is generous in many ways so the Monkey should not take advantage of the Pig's good nature and meet the Pig halfway or take turns staying in and going out.
These two may share some common ground where the importance of love and care are concerned but they also have many differences. The Pig loves luxurious settings, clothes, furnishings, food, etc. and the Rooster is practical and reluctant to spend much time or money on anything it deems excessive. The Rooster wants a perfectly clean environment and the Pig feels life is for enjoying and material objects are meant to be used and enjoyed. While both are capable of devotion and loyalty, the Rooster and Pig do not usually share the same values.
The Dog and Pig can be good friends, sensual lovers and have fun outings together. The Pig lavishes love and affection on those it cares for and the Dog is loyal, trustworthy and affectionate. Both need and desire a stabile, loving home and family environment so the occasional moodiness of the Dog will not bother the understanding Pig. The Dog may have more get up and go and desire travel more than the Pig but their affectionate natures should help them compromise to meet both their needs.
Distributor Oli Hidrolik Free Ongkir Bekasi
4 years ago
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