Saturday, January 31, 2009

2009 Predictions for Rooster

Get ready for an outstanding year. Aside from the Snake, the Rooster has the best prospects in the year of the Ox. This is the kind of year you have been waiting for, as everything seems to go your way. You have been diligently working toward some long-term goals that finally come together this year.

Your relations are felt at new levels as you find a sense of satisfaction you may not have experienced in a long time. Things you may have thought not possible will become a reality for you in this positive year.

Friday, January 30, 2009

2009 Predictions for Snake

The Snake has an incredibly favorable year ahead. The year of the Ox provides many opportunities for the Snake to fulfill long-awaited career goals and to achieve more than you ever imagined. Your wisdom and patience are tools that prove successful in all aspects of your life.

Relationships could be taken to new heights, and deep, meaningful friendships are acquired. This year proves to be one of action, and all of your planning pays off for you. The later months prove to be especially successful, tying a year of arduous work into an extremely blissful culmination.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

2009 Predictions for Monkey

This year offers the Monkey some opportunities to go far with talent. Your generous nature may leave you stretched in several different directions, so it is important to stay focused in order to achieve the goals you have set for yourself this year.

You will be given the opportunity to impress the right people in business as well as in your personal life. Don't hold back this year, for this could be one that will leave an impression over the course of the next few years.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2009 Predictions for Sheep

This may not be the favorable year you desire. Coming off the year of the Rat, you may be seeking relief from a difficult year. Don't let up now. The Sheep is artistic in nature, but you may have difficulties finding a way to express your creative passions.

It will take an extra effort to rely on the help of others to make it through these times, but if you keep a steady focus on your goals and display painstaking efforts, you will be pleased to see the fruits of your labor arrive in 2010. Don't fret. You may learn a lot about yourself in the process. You are more versatile, as well as resourceful, than you ever imagined.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2009 Predictions for Horse

The Horse may have a challenging year ahead. You may become frustrated with the lack of progress in your career, but you will have to be patient to see the results of your hard work. Beware of your energy levels, as you tend to swing in accordance to your success.

You will have to work hard to steer yourself our of ruts with healthy activities and other projects that keep you active. Take comfort in your loved ones and friends who provide support for you in times of need. Be open to try new things, and heed the advice of others in the year of the Ox.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chinese Astrology - Year/Sign/Element/Date

Year Sign/Element Dates

1900 Rat Metal (1/31/1900 to 2/18/1901)
1901 Ox Metal (2/19/1902 to 2/7/1902)
1902 Tiger Water (2/8/1902 to 1/28/1903)
1903 Cat Water (1/29/1903 to 2/15/1904)
1904 Dragon Wood (2/16/1904 to 2/3/1905)
1905 Snake Wood 2/4/1905 to 1/24/1906)
1906 Horse Fire (1/25/1906 to 2/12/1907)
1907 Goat Fire (2/13/1907 to 2/1/1908)
1908 Monkey Earth (2/2/1908 to 1/21/1909)
1909 Rooster Earth 1/22/1909 to 2/9/1910)
1910 Dog Metal (2/10/1910 to 1/29/1911)

1911 Pig Metal (1/30/1911 to 2/17/1912
1912 Rat Water (2/18/1912 to 2/5/1913)
1913 Ox Water (2/6/1913 to 1/25/1914)
1914 Tiger Wood (1/26/1914 to 2/13/1915)
1915 Cat Wood (2/14/1915 to 2/2/1916)
1916 Dragon Fire (2/3/1916 to 1/22/1917)
1917 Snake Fire (1/23/1917 to 2/10/1918)
1918 Horse Earth (2/11/1918 to 1/31/1919)
1919 Goat Earth (2/1/1919 to 2/19/1920)
1920 Monkey Metal (2/20/1920 to 2/7/1921)

1921 Rooster Metal (2/8/1921 to 1/27/1922)
1922 Dog Water (1/28/1922 to 2/15/1923)
1923 Pig Water (2/16/1923 to 2/4/1924)
1924 Rat Wood (2/5/1924 to 1/23/1925)
1925 Ox Wood (1/24/1925 to 2/12/1926)
1926 Tiger Fire (2/13/1926 to 2/1/1927)
1927 Cat Fire (2/2/1927 to 1/22/1928)
1928 Dragon Earth (1/23/1928 to 2/9/1929)
1929 Snake Earth (2/10/1929 to 1/29/1930)
1930 Horse Metal (1/30/1930 to 2/16/1931)

1931 Goat Metal (2/17/1931 to 2/5/1932)
1932 Monkey Water (2/6/1932 to 1/25/1933)
1933 Rooster Water (1/26/1933 to 2/13/1934)
1934 Dog Wood (2/14/1934 to 2/3/1935)
1935 Pig Wood (2/4/1935 to 1/23/1936)
1936 Rat Fire (1/24/1936 to 2/10/1937)
1937 Ox Fire (2/11/1937 to 1/30/1938)
1938 Tiger Earth (1/31/1938 to 2/18/1939)
1939 Cat Earth (2/19/1939 to 2/7/1940)
1940 Dragon Metal (2/8/1940 to 1/26/1941)

1941 Snake Metal (1/27/1941 to 2/14/1942)
1942 Horse Water (2/15/1942 to 2/4/1943)
1943 Goat Water (2/5/1943 to 1/24/1944)
1944 Monkey Wood (1/25/1944 to 2/12/1945)
1945 Rooster Wood (2/13/1945 to 2/1/1946)
1946 Dog Fire (2/2/1946 to 1/21/1947)
1947 Pig Fire (1/22/1947 to 2/9/1948)
1948 Rat Earth (2/10/1948 to 1/28/1949)
1949 Ox Earth (1/29/1949 to 2/16/1950)
1950 Tiger Metal (2/17/1950 to 2/5/1951)

1951 Cat Metal (2/6/1951 to 1/26/1952)
1952 Dragon Water (1/27/1952 to 2/13/1953)
1953 Snake Water (2/14/1953 to 2/2/1954)
1954 Horse Wood (2/3/1954 to 1/23/1955)
1955 Goat Wood (1/24/1955 to 2/11/1956)
1956 Monkey Fire (2/12/1956 to 1/30/1957)
1957 Rooster Fire (1/31/1957 to 2/17/1958)
1958 Dog Earth (2/18/1958 to 2/7/1959)
1959 Pig Earth (2/8/1959 to 1/27/1960)
1960 Rat Metal (1/28/1960 to 2/14/1961)

1961 Ox Metal (2/15/1961 to 2/4/1962
1962 Tiger Water (2/5/1962 to 1/24/1963)
1963 Cat Water (1/25/1963 to 2/12/1964)
1964 Dragon Wood (2/13/1964 to 2/1/1965)
1965 Snake Wood (2/2/1965 to 1/20/1966)
1966 Horse Fire (1/21/1966 to 2/8/1967)
1967 Goat Fire (2/9/1967 to 1/29/1968)
1968 Monkey Earth (1/30/1968 to 2/16/1969)
1969 Rooster Earth (2/17/1969 to 2/5/1970)
1970 Dog Metal (2/6/1970 to 1/26/1971)

1971 Pig Metal (1/27/1971 to 2/14/1972)
1972 Rat Water (2/15/1972 to 2/2/1973)
1973 Ox Water (2/3/1973 to 1/22/1974)
1974 Tiger Wood (1/23/1974 to 2/10/1975)
1975 Cat Wood (2/11/1975 to 1/30/1976)
1976 Dragon Fire (1/31/1976 to 2/17/1977)
1977 Snake Fire (2/18/1977 to 2/6/1978)
1978 Horse Earth (2/7/1978 to 1/27/1979)
1979 Goat Earth (1/28/1979 to 2/15/1980)
1980 Monkey Metal (2/16/1980 to 2/4/1981)

1981 Rooster Metal (2/5/1981 to 1/24/1982)
1982 Dog Water (1/25/1982 to 2/12/1983)
1983 Pig Water (2/13/1983 to 2/1/1984)
1984 Rat Wood (2/2/1984 to 2/19/1985)
1985 Ox Wood (2/20/1985 to 2/8/1986)
1986 Tiger Fire (2/9/1986 to 1/28/1987)
1987 Cat Fire (1/29/1987 to 2/16/1988)
1988 Dragon Earth (2/17/1988 to 2/5/1989)
1989 Snake Earth (2/6/1989 to 1/26/1990)
1990 Horse Metal (1/27/1990 to 2/14/1991)

1991 Goat Metal (2/15/1991 to 2/3/1992)
1992 Monkey Water (2/4/1992 to 1/22/1993)
1993 Rooster Water (1/23/1993 to 2/9/1994)
1994 Dog Wood (2/10/1994 to 1/30/1995)
1995 Pig Wood (1/31/1995 to 2/18/1996)
1996 Rat Fire (2/19/1996 to 2/6/1997)
1997 Ox Fire (2/7/1997 to 1/27/1998)
1998 Tiger Earth (1/28/1998 to 2/15/1999)
1999 Cat Earth (2/16/1999 to 2/4/2000)
2000 Dragon Metal (2/5/2000 to 1/23/2001)

2001 Snake Metal (1/24/2001 to 2/11/2002)
2002 Horse Water (2/12/2002 to 1/31/2003)
2003 Goat Water (2/1/2003 to 1/21/2004)
2004 Monkey Wood (1/22/2004 to 2/8/2005)
2005 Rooster Wood (2/9/2005 to 1/28/2006)
2006 Dog Fire (1/29/2006 to 2/17/2007)
2007 Pig Fire (2/18/2007 to 2/6/2008)
2008 Rat Earth (2/7/2008 to 1/25/2009)
2009 Ox Earth (1/26/2009 to 2/13/2010)
2010 Tiger Metal (2/14/2010 to 2/2/2011)

2011 Cat Metal (2/3/2011 to 1/22/2012)
2012 Dragon Water (1/23/2012 to 2/9/2013)
2013 Snake Water (2/10/2013 to 1/30/2014)
2014 Horse Wood (1/31/2014 to 2/18/2015)
2015 Goat Wood (2/19/2015 to 2/7/2016)
2016 Monkey Fire (2/8/2016 to 1/27/2017)
2017 Rooster Fire (1/28/2017 to 2/15/2018)
2018 Dog Earth (2/16/2018 to 2/4/2019)
2019 Pig Earth (2/5/2019 to 1/24//2020)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Chinese Astrology Romance


Rats cherish nothing more than having a solid romantic relationship and a stabile home life. In fact, they don't feel complete without these things and seldom waste time on empty flirtations. Rats make very physical lovers who also appreciate the deeper emotional connections that make a relationship multi-dimensional.

* Highest soul mate potential: Ox
* Good romantic potential: Monkey and Dragon
* Least romantic compatibility: Horse and Sheep


The Ox may be less demonstrative in public, but people born under this sign make congenial lovers. An Ox in love is in the relationship for the long haul. This steadiness is both a virtue and a hindrance, because the Ox may keep plugging away at a relationship that simply doesn't work.

* Highest soul mate potential: Rat
* Good romantic potential: Snake and Rooster
* Least romantic potential: Sheep and Horse


Passionate and primed for conquest, Tigers can be tempestuous lovers. They have a need to be in charge, and can easily become bored with their partners without spicing things up once in a while. Tigers are also a bit of a romantic paradox; they can be quite possessive yet have a strong need for personal space. Life with a Tiger is never boring!

* Highest soul mate potential: Pig
* Good romantic potential: Dog and Horse
* Least romantic compatibility: Snake, Monkey and other Tigers


Rabbits are gentle and sensitive lovers when they feel secure in a
relationship . On the flip side, Rabbits can become quite aloof when the course of true love doesn't run smoothly. They can be very idealistic, and don't take disappointment well.

* Highest soul mate potential: Dog
* Good romantic potential: Pig and Sheep
* Least romantic compatibility: Rooster and Dragon


To put it simply, Dragons love to be admired, so they are not usually in a hurry to settle down with a long-term partner and may put off a permanent commitment for years. That understood, a Dragon lover is enthusiastic and adventurous as long as the mood lasts.

* Highest soul mate potential: Rooster
* Good romantic potential: Monkey and Rat
* Least romantic compatibility: Rabbit and Dog


Snakes make extremely sensuous lovers, but watch out; they can wrap around their partners and become quite possessive. Snakes want to be fully meshed with their lovers in all aspects of life, but they are very nurturing in return. Snakes are slow to jump into a relationship, but they give it their all when they give their heart away.

* Highest soul mate potential: Monkey
* Good romantic potential: Rooster and Ox
* Least romantic compatibility: Pig and Tiger


Horses make entertaining mates, as long as you respect their need for freedom. They find jealousy difficult to tolerate, but are capable of total commitment when they find the right partner. Horses tend to fall in love quickly and easily, and adore big, passionate romantic relationships the best.

* Highest soul mate potential: Sheep
* Good romantic potential: Tiger and other Horses
* Least romantic compatibility: Ox and Rat


Sheep can be hopeless romantics who appreciate all the pretty trimmings that go along with a love relationship. They prefer to be taken care of by their partners, and will likely take a little more than they give in their relationships. That said, sheep are easy-going and love to be courted.

* Highest soul mate potential: Horse
* Good romantic potential: Pig and Rabbit
* Least romantic compatibility: Rat and Ox


Charming and perennially youthful in attitude, Monkeys make passionate, albeit restless lovers. They crave adventure, and this can make it difficult to sustain a serious relationship unless their partners are especially devoted. However, the Monkey's sense of humor smoothes over many a romantic mishap.

* Highest soul mate potential: Snake
* Good romantic potential: Dragon and Rat
* Least romantic compatibility: Pig and Tiger


Flirty, confident and sometimes emotional, Roosters make challenging yet exciting partners for those who are strong enough to match their verve. Roosters love to be complimented; they want to be assured you think as highly of them as they think of themselves! It can be difficult for people of this sign to fully express their affection, but the gestures are there if you watch closely enough.

* Highest soul mate potential: Dragon
* Good romantic potential: Snake and Ox
* Least romantic compatibility: Rabbit and Dog


Dogs are the soul of devotion to their partners. They take love very seriously, and will work hard to make a relationship work. Dogs require tenderness, understanding and, above all, loyalty.

* Highest soul mate potential: Rabbit
* Good romantic potential: Horse and Tiger
* Least romantic compatibility: Rooster and Dragon


Pigs have the unique ability to overlook their partners' short comings and concentrate on the rosier side of love. When they vow "for better or worse", they truly mean it. They thrive on kisses, embrace and other declarations of love.

* Highest soul mate potential: Tiger
* Good romantic potential: Rabbit and Sheep
* Least romantic compatibility: Monkey and Snake

Psychic Love Reading at KEEN

Summing It Up

As you can see, certain signs offer greater potential than others for a truly satisfying romantic relationship. Any sign not listed as least compatible with your own holds some relationship potential. When it comes to Chinese astrology romance compatibility, you can never predict how things will turn out. Bottom line, if you and your partner are willing to give and take, you can keep your love alive.


Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Pig

Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Pig

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

8 7 7 9 8 4 6 9 7 5 7 8


These two being very much alike and not being very competitive in nature, can forge a lasting relationship as lovers, friends, family members or business partners. The focus will be on a comfortable if not luxurious home, enjoyment of fine food and sensual delights, taking naps and baths together and the like. The only downside is that practical chores might get pushed aside and someone will need to make sure the bills get paid!

An effective combo for friends, lovers or business partners. The Pig likes the finer things in life and the Rat is materially and practically motivated so they can achieve a good life together. The Pig puts family and friends first and the Rat must have its circle of friends so both can enjoy much social life and many mutual friends. The Pig may get a little lazy at times and the Rat may get a bit hot tempered but the Rat is a good communicator so these differences can be ironed out.

The Pig & Dragon make a very compatible pair. Both are basically good hearted people with appreciation for family and friends. The Pig likes the finer things in life and the Dragon will appreciate the Pig's home enivronment. They can be great lovers, but the Pig is not as outgoing so it may want to spend much more time alone with the Dragon while the Dragon will urge the Pig to get out more often! The time they spend together, however, will be special and worthwhile, and both are capable of enduring loyalty.

The Pig and Rabbit are a great compatible team, be it in love, friendship, business or as family members. The Pig enjoys giving the love, support, affection and care that the Rabbit must have in order to stay balanced and happy. Both will feel loved and secure and have similar views of the world. The Pig is an optimist and sees the best in others while the Rabbit has great compassion so these two fit like hand in glove. Many signs are too aggressive for the Rabbit and while the Pig is more outgoing, it is not overbearing. Communication between the two is likely to be excellent.

The Tiger is charsimatic and sexy and the Pig is a luxurious sensualist so these two can light the fires of passion and romance. They may be best as lovers and will have to work a bit more on being friends and mates for the long run. The Pig needs a dependable source of support and love and a solid home life to be happy. The Tiger can easily start to feel hemmed in or tied down because of its freedom loving nature which can be puzzling and unsettling to the Pig. Communication and compromise are need to close the gap.

These two will revel in sensuality and are the couple that can spend hours in a bath, eating a meal, or other tactile pleasures. The connection will most certainly be physical at a minimum. However, the more outgoing Pig can also help bring out the Ox's less serious side and the Ox will be there for the Pig in times of need. The Pig is optimistic and sees the best in others and this balances out the sometimes judgemental opinions of the Ox. This pair can do well as friends, lovers and partners.

As lovers they would both enjoy a sensual environment, luxuries which they can afford and are for the most part quiet stay at home types. Despite these things in common, there can be much miscommunication between these two. The Snake finds it difficult to be direct and express its feelings and so it behaves in certain ways that need to be deciphered. The Pig can misunderstand and be hurt by the behavior of the Snake and then the cold side of the Pig would emerge. This will only feed the insecurity of the Snake and it will mostly likely cut the ties that bind.

The sensual Pig will take notice of the Horse's sexual attractiveness and a love affair may soon result. At first glance this may seem like a dream come true, but as time goes on, the innate differences will emerge and require some attention. The Horse comes on strong when it falls in love but often falls out just as dramatically and the Pig needs ongoing support and care, which it happily also provides. The Horse will also want to socialize more while the Pig would be happier to cozy up on a couch for the evening. Compromises will need to be made.

Smooth sailing ahead for these two! The Goat loves giving pleasure, massages, or cooking for its loved one and the Pig is a sensualist who enjoys all of this and enjoys returning the favor. The Pig admires the Goat's imaginative mind and the Goat needs the emotional availability of the good hearted Pig. The Goat needs love and admiration and the Pig loves to care and support their loved ones. With other signs, the Goat may feel like retreating or going off on their own but the Pig's warm heart is capable of creating a safe environment that the Goat will not want to leave!

The Pig and Monkey can be best friends, sensual lovers and enjoy many pleasures together. The Monkey is more animalistic in its desires and pursuit of pleasure while the Pig seeks more luxurious or finer points of pleasure. The problems emerge after they have their fun and the Pig needs the home sanctuary and occasional visits from close friends and family while the Monkey is fine with hardly ever being home! The Pig is generous in many ways so the Monkey should not take advantage of the Pig's good nature and meet the Pig halfway or take turns staying in and going out.

These two may share some common ground where the importance of love and care are concerned but they also have many differences. The Pig loves luxurious settings, clothes, furnishings, food, etc. and the Rooster is practical and reluctant to spend much time or money on anything it deems excessive. The Rooster wants a perfectly clean environment and the Pig feels life is for enjoying and material objects are meant to be used and enjoyed. While both are capable of devotion and loyalty, the Rooster and Pig do not usually share the same values.

The Dog and Pig can be good friends, sensual lovers and have fun outings together. The Pig lavishes love and affection on those it cares for and the Dog is loyal, trustworthy and affectionate. Both need and desire a stabile, loving home and family environment so the occasional moodiness of the Dog will not bother the understanding Pig. The Dog may have more get up and go and desire travel more than the Pig but their affectionate natures should help them compromise to meet both their needs.

Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Dog

Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Dog

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

8 7 9 8 2 8 9 4 8 5 7 7


In many ways this is a great match. Both are likeable, sociable and fun loving companions. They are likely to travel for pleasure, seek new adventures and enjoy meeting new people. Each Dog will understand the need for some alone time to sleep, adjust, take in a book or work on a hobby so the occasional moodiness should not be a problem, unless both of the are feeling down for the reason! The Dog has high standards and does not trust easily but with another Dog both standards and trust will be met.

This is a good friendship and even better as romantic lovers. The Dog is a loyal friend and Rats love their friends - especially the loyal ones! The Rat is outgoing and light hearted and can cheer up the sometimes moody Dog. Both are physical and down to earth and enjoy the sensual pleasures of romantic encounters. The Rat is shrewd in business and the Dog can sense the inner quality of other people and help the Rat to avoid trusting the wrong people.

This is often a case of instant hot attraction, but which has some real challenges for a lasting commitment. It is the Dragon's nature to be expressive and dramatic, while it is the Dog's nature to be calm, emotionally balanced and generally peaceful. The Dog however can be moody, which the Dragon may find hard to understand. It may take some time for the Dog to trust the Dragon, and vice versa, but both are loyal and protective of their loved ones and they have that in common.

This is a great team for lasting relationships. The Dog finds it hard to trust people but the Rabbit is so very trustworthy, caring and patient that mutual trust will soon form. The Dog is loyal and generally peace loving and that fits perfectly with the artistic, intuitive and sensitive Rabbit. While other signs may take advantage of Rabbit's giving nature, the Dog has a strong sense of ethics and would not do so. The Dog can get moody at times but the devotion of the Rabbit can pull the Dog out of its emotional rut. And the Dog can demonstrate the much needed affection and protection that the Rabbit requires.

This duo has great potential for a long term relationship . Neither are prone to jealousy and both are amiable and social. They both share an intense loyalty they have for their loved ones and a desire to protect them. Both will feel secure and loved in this teaming. The Tiger is noble and courageous and will have no trouble gaining the trust of the sometimes skeptical Dog. As the Tiger sometimes needs its space and the Dog also needs its rest periods this pair should not have any issues allowing for some independence. They will accommodate each other's needs as lovers to make sure each is satisfied. They are also compatible as family members, business partners or as friends.

This is an excellent pairing with the Ox's trustworthy and dependable nature reassuring the Dog's innate sense of distrust. The Dog can be moody at times and will appreciate the Ox's bedrock nature. The Ox will create an ordered home environment which supports the Dog's need for peace. The Ox will admire the protectiveness and loyalty of the Dog and even if they both get stubborn at times, the Ox will be able to smooth things out .

This is a good comination with the loyal nature of the Dog quelling any feelings of insecurity or jealousy that the Snake can be feel in relationships. The Dog will appreciate the intuitive quality of the Snake that can decypher the moods of the Dog and understand the Dog's need for peace at home since the Snake needs that too. The Dog is protective and the Snake's posessiveness can actually be interpreted by the Dog as a different form of protectiveness. They are a good pair in love, business or friendship.

These two can get along very well being generally amiable, likeable and social signs. They are generally happy individuals and can enjoy both a physical and mental connection that will keep the Horse's interest and satisfy the Dog's needs. They will most likely be on the go and have busy calendars. The Dog's occasional moodiness only fascinates the Horse and the Horse can have its moods too so both will allow for this. They are fond of travel and make excellent travel companions.

This is a pair of loving and loyal souls yet this may not be enough to keep this relationship together. The physical relationship may be fine, but what to do before and after can become much debated. The Dog is a social sign and will want to do things and get out more often. While the Goat will spend more time thinking about things and prefer to stay home or literally go to some mountain retreat. The love connection may be there, but the lifestyles are very different making this more work than expected.

The Rooster's penchant for loyalty and dependability sits well with the Dog and the Dog admires the Rooster's mind. They may share some hobbies together but the similarities end there. The Rooster's attention to detail and sometimes critical remarks will make the Dog self conscious and unhappy. The Rooster likes to be in charge of the home environment and for it to look clean for guests. The Dog would prefer to use the home to make itself comfortable and not particularly concerned about appearances. These differences also go for clothing and personal habits making life together often a clash of wills.

The Dog and Pig can be good friends, sensual lovers and have fun outings together. The Pig lavishes love and affection on those it cares for and the Dog is loyal, trustworthy and affectionate. Both need and desire a stabile, loving home and family environment so the occasional moodiness of the Dog will not bother the understanding Pig. The Dog may have more get up and go and desire travel more than the Pig but their affectionate natures should help them compromise to meet both their needs.


Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Rooster

Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Rooster

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

6 9 4 2 9 9 6 5 4 4 5 5


The Rooster likes to rule the roost - and with two Roosters in one roost, there can be trouble! The Roosters both love a cozy home and the enjoy some close friends and an occasional outing, but they are critical and perfectionists and so are more likely to peck at each other than to make romance! They may work well together, with close attention to details and get along fine there, as long as they are not both going after the same promotion or job!

The Rooster and Rat can be good friends and lovers too - as long as they are out and about with friends or enjoying the social scene. For the long term, however, the more conservative and careful Rooster may find the Rat's unconventional or creative ideas incompatible with those of the Rooster. And Rat may find the Rooster is too much of a homebody. The Rooster is a loyal mate, so the appreciative Rat should compliment the Rooster often, and make time for quiet evenings at home with the Rooster to keep things happy.

These two balance each other very well and can be a great team, although they may appear to be quite different. The Dragon is outgoing and fun-loving, while the Rooster is more of a home body, even shy and conservative. The Dragon can help the Rooster lighten up and have fun and laughs, while the Rooster can help the Dragon make sure that the practical things in life get taken care of. The Rooster is a loyal lover and the Dragon will appreciate this even if the Rooster tends to nag at times. The Rooster will appreciate the fun and excitement that the Dragon brings.

Most likely the emotional connection was the attraction in this pairing for both signs are capable of steadfast, loyal and loving relationships. The Rabbit especially is capable of investing itself totally - sometimes too much - into a relationship. However there are some challenges. The Rooster can be very dependable, but it can nag and criticize the sensitive Rabbit. The Rabbit may feel its not getting the unconditional love that it gives in return. The Rabbit tends to be artistic and does not like chores while the Rooster likes cleanliness and seeks order and organization.

Both are capable of fierce loyalty and each have their own brand of charm. They are best suited in a partnership in business where the Rooster takes care of details and the practical needs and the Tiger provides the vision. For romance, however a lot of work is needed to keep the attraction going. The Rooster is a perfectionist according to how it sees the world, and the Tiger wants the world to bend to its needs and wishes! The natural independence and leadership qualities of the Tiger conflict with the Roosters need for predictability, routine and stability.

This can be a match made in heaven. Both tend to be on the conservative side, the Ox takes pride in doing a good job and the Rooster is a perfectionist. They tend to share the same values and neither is prone to temper or boisterous expressions. They usually share good taste in decor, art, music or food and while the Ox may be a bit more earthy as a lover the Rooster will respond to the sensuality and add some romance into the pot. They can also do well together in business or in friendship.

This can be a match made in heaven. They value the same things and work well to achieve life's goal - more so than they could achieve on their own. Both love to socialize a bit but most of the time are content with stay at home private activities alone or with friends and family. The Snake may not be as neat and clean as the Rooster who is a perfectionist, but very few will meet the Rooster's standards in this area! They are capable of a long lasting and strong bond, be it as lovers, friends or co-workers.

These two can enjoy talking to one another about a variety of subjects and also connect on a mental level extremely well. The Rooster is more of a home body, but does like to get out and socialize some and the Horse is a lively companion! There will usually not be any competition for the limelight and the Horse actually admires the Rooster's attention to detail and desire for perfection. The mental connection can be enough to keep the Horse from becoming bored or wandering off as long as the Rooster refrains from its tendency to criticize or nag.

These two may start out as friends or a light fling but a committed relationship is somewhat of a mismatch for this pair. The Rooster enjoys some socializing but not to the extent of the fun loving Monkey, and the Monkey will not respond well to any criticism from the perfectionist Rooster. For an occasional meeting or for friends this can be fine, but daily cooperation will be difficult to achieve. The Monkey may find the Rooster to be a bit of a wet towel after the initial period, while the Rooster thinks of it as spending quality time alone at home together. Not the best match!

The Rooster's penchant for loyalty and dependability sits well with the Dog and the Dog admires the Rooster's mind. They may share some hobbies together but the similarities end there. The Rooster's attention to detail and sometimes critical remarks will make the Dog self conscious and unhappy. The Rooster likes to be in charge of the home environment and for it to look clean for guests. The Dog would prefer to use the home to make itself comfortable and not particularly concerned about appearances. These differences also go for clothing and personal habits making life together often a clash of wills.

These two may share some common ground where the importance of love and care are concerned but they also have many differences. The Pig loves luxurious settings, clothes, furnishings, food, etc. and the Rooster is practical and reluctant to spend much time or money on anything it deems excessive. The Rooster wants a perfectly clean environment and the Pig feels life is for enjoying and material objects are meant to be used and enjoyed. While both are capable of devotion and loyalty, the Rooster and Pig do not usually share the same values.


Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Monkey

Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Monkey

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

10 4 2 4 10 4 5 5 9 4 8 7


Double the pleasure and double the fun! Two Monkeys get along famously and while there may be some contest to see which one can steal the limelight, the focus is a good time and adventure so even an occasional argument or power struggle will not get in the way for very long. The Monkey can find monogamy challenging but if anyone can understand this - it will be another Monkey! While other signs may feel that the Monkey is too much of a social being, the Monkey pair will have no issue with being out on many a night and leaving the home chores for another day.

An excellent match! These two are the life of the party and can have some incredible adventures together! There may be some competing for the limelight however, and some heated arguments, but they will make up just as passionately. The smart Rat will let the Monkey feel like it has control, while quietly making plans for both! They are both great in business as well as in romance or friendship.

Two hot blooded lovers to be sure! Both are likely to be on the go and have a varied social life. Neither will want to do the chores though, so their home may not be the best kept one on the block! Two courageous, exciting personalities are bound to conflict once in a while but neither are given to grudges so any differences can be worked out. These two can't wait to get back to having fun so they will find a way! They need to be more cautious in business however, and in mutual investments as both tend to be risk-takers.

These two may have some common interests or hobbies but their approach to life is very different, making this a challenge for ultimate compatibility. The Monkey loves socializing, is always seeking fun and pleasure while the sensitive Rabbit would prefer to stay home and have a quiet dinner and watch a video. The Monkey's desire for the excitement of new adventures, crowds and parties goes against the grain of the artistic, inward-looking Rabbit who might go along once in a while but will find a steady diet of the Monkey's lifestyle not to its liking.

This fun-loving pair can make great friends, especially when out on the town. And when the Tiger needs some space , the frolicking Monkey will have no trouble finding something fun to do and will be okay with that. For day to day commitment however they may find themselves challenged. The Monkey likes to be center stage - and so does the Tiger! The Tiger likes to be in charge and the Monkey is a bit of a rebel and even reckless at times, leading the Tiger to feel that the Monkey is not serious. And the Monkey may feel that the Tiger is not emotional and romantic enough for its needs.

The Monkey is most likely the aggressor in the romantic pursuit and the Ox may respond over time. The Ox may think of the Monkey as fun, but sooner or later these two are bound to disagree for their natures are vastly different. The Ox is more shy and quiet and prefers evenings spent at home. The Monkey is a party animal and needs to socialize and mix. The Ox wants a steady partner and will most likely see the Monkey as too risky due to its outgoing nature.

Both signs can be charming and they can have fun together, especially in social situations. But that may be the best part of this relationship. The hot button for the Snake - a tendency to feel insecure or jealous with anyone except the most loyal and devoted lovers, can be a problem with the frolicking and often flirtatous Monkey. While it may not threaten other signs of the zodiac, it may be hard for the Snake to accept the Monkey's outgoing ways. The Snake also likes to stay at home most of the time while the Monkey would prefer to be on the go.

In some ways the Horse and Monkey connect very well, with love of fun, meeting new people and discovering new stimulating experiences. However, the Horse can get a bit restless at times and independent, while the Monkey being a pleasure seeker, will not appreciate the sudden unavailability of its pleasure partner. Both have a potential to stray from a committed relationship or to avoid one, so this is an attraction that may be hot and heavy at first, but rather short lived in duration.

These two may start out as friends or a light fling but a committed relationship is somewhat of a mismatch for this pair. The Rooster enjoys some socializing but not to the extent of the fun loving Monkey, and the Monkey will not respond well to any criticism from the perfectionist Rooster. For an occasional meeting or for friends this can be fine, but daily cooperation will be difficult to achieve. The Monkey may find the Rooster to be a bit of a wet towel after the initial period, while the Rooster thinks of it as spending quality time alone at home together. Not the best match!

This pair can have a lot of fun together and get along well, but there are also some basic differences. The Monkey and Dog both love to get out and socialize, with the Monkey usually being the entertainment director. The Monkey keeps busy with its own agenda so when the moody Dog needs to be alone the Monkey won't mind at all. The Monkey is naturally curious, open and outgoing so it is easier for this sign to become romantically entangled with more than one partner at a time. The fiercely loyal Dog may take this to be a lack of devotion, something the Dog needs.

The Monkey and Pig can be good friends, sensual lovers and enjoy many pleasures together. The Monkey is more animalistic in its desires and pursuit of pleasure while the Pig seeks more luxurious or finer points of pleasure. The problems emerge after they have their fun and the Pig needs the home sanctuary and occasional visits from close friends and family while the Monkey is fine with hardly ever being home! The Pig is generous in many ways so the Monkey should not take advantage of the Pig's good nature and meet the Pig halfway or take turns staying in and going out.


Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Goat

Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Goat

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

4 2 4 9 7 7 8 9 5 5 4 9


Nobody understands a Goat better than another Goat! The Goat is a creative thinker, often ahead of its time and with a rich and dreamy imagination. These two can connect mentally and then physically in a complete and integrated wholeness. The problem arises when the occasionally nervous or stressed Goat is in the company of another just as nervous or stressed Goat! Goats also like to be in control so there could be conflict as to who is in charge. A Goat knows what a Goat needs however, so it can provide the love, support, admiration and attention to keep the other happy.

This pair is great for a business combo with the Rat taking care of the customers and marketing while the Goat provides the creative energy and drive. In love and romance, they may also bond very closely and connect on a sensitive and deep level. The main problem comes into play in day to day living when the Goat will want to go to some mountain retreat or work on some creative project, while the Rat wants to hang with friends or go to a party!

This pair can work out well in many ways. The Goat can provide a nice creative environment for the Dragon either at home or work and the Dragon can provide cheer for the somewhat worry prone Goat. The Goat likes some independence while the Dragon likes to take care of everybody and be in control, so it is important that the Goat gets its "space" when needed. As long as the Dragon continues to express love for the Goat, with a little admiration thrown in, these two can last a lifetime.

Here is a potential for a long term relationship! Both signs are romantic, intuitive and emotional rather than cerebral. Both need to feel loved and supported and are oriented toward family and close friendships. Both are capable of giving the other the kind of love and support it needs. While the naturally quiet or shy Rabbit can be irritated by other signs in the zodiac, it is unlikely that the Goat will do so. Goat & Rabbit are both creative or artistic signs that appreciate a nice home. The only issue is that both are emotional so if both are depressed at the same time, they will have to find a way to pull themselves out. Otherwise, this is a very good pair.

Both love to travel and enjoy new adventures, but they are also very different in key ways. The Goat needs a lot of reassurance, support and a little flattery won't hurt either - to feel secure. The Tiger must feel independent and free or it becomes unhappy. The Tiger would be a great friend for the Goat but as a lover, it may feel the Goat is demanding more than it can or wishes to give. The Goat may feel its loving care is not being returned. It may not be a lack of love, but that their love natures are very different.

These two are very different from one another and any initial attraction will require much understanding and adaptating to make it last. The Goat is emotional, romantic, a dreamer and the Ox is very practical and down to earth. The Goat is creative, often artistic and the Ox may think the Goat's ideas to be too unusal. The Goat on the other hand may think of the Ox as a bit stuffy and not emotional or romantic enough. This will require work!

These two may connect on artistic or creative levels as well as in sensual pleasures and the pairing is a good one, but requires some compromise. Both are intuitive and gentle souls and can create a sanctuary from the maddening world. The Snake however tends to be possessive and the Goat likes to feel free even if they are very much involved. The Goat needs to take the Snake's behaviour as a compliment and reassure the Snake of its love. The Goat may want to travel or go out a bit more than the Snake but the Snake should benefit and enjoy such adventures.

This can be a mutual admiration society with the Horse appreciating the artistic, creative or emotional nature of the Goat and the Goat in awe of the Horse's energy, wit and sense of fun and adventure. The Horse is very romantic in love and the dreamy Goat will swim right into the sea of love. The issues arise when the Horse, who can get bored easily - begins to get wanderlust. The Goat is very diplomatic and may not say anything but slowly drift away. The Horse will need to keep mindful of the Goat's sensitive side and to reassure the Goat of its special place in the Horse's heart to keep this going strong.

This team can have fun together in social situations and may have met in one. The Monkey will be impressed by the creative mind of the Goat, and the Goat may find the Monkey a source of fun and enjoy giving the Monkey the pleasure it seeks. However, there are many differences that make this a challenge for the long haul. The Monkey's frivolous and pleasure seeking nature tends to make the Goat feel stressed as well as unappreciated. The Monkey will most likely have a hard time hanging on to the Goat.

There may be a mental connection and some mutual admiration but this is not the easiest of combinations. The Goat likes doing things its own way while the Rooster thinks its way is simply better! Both are basically peace loving, but the Rooster has a tendency to criticize or nag in close relationships and the Goat needs adoration, support and even flattery to be happy. The Goat appreciates the loyalty of the Rooster however and the Rooster has genuine respect for the Goat.

This is a pair of loving and loyal souls yet this may not be enough to keep this relationship together. The physical relationship may be fine, but what to do before and after can become much debated. The Dog is a social sign and will want to do things and get out more often. While the Goat will spend more time thinking about things and prefer to stay home or literally go to some mountain retreat. The love connection may be there, but the lifestyles are very different making this more work than expected.

Smooth sailing ahead for these two! The Goat loves giving pleasure, massages, or cooking for its loved one and the Pig is a sensualist who enjoys all of this and can also return the favor. The Pig admires the Goat's imaginative mind and the Goat needs the emotional availability of the Pig. The Goat needs love and admiration and the Pig loves to care and support their loved ones. With other signs, the Goat may feel like retreating or going off on their own but the Pig's warm heart is capable of creating a safe environment that the Goat will not want to leave!


Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Horse

Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Horse

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

3 5 9 5 8 4 8 8 5 6 9 6


These are kindred souls who often meet and have an instant liking for the other. As lovers they do well together because the Horse does not like to be tied down and so this pair will give each other space. They can have fun and share a unique understanding. When the Horse falls in love, it often falls head over heels and pulls out all the stops. Unfortunately, this feeling does not last long for the Horse and other qualities are needed to keep it going. For this reason, this teaming is often great for an affair but more difficult for the long term.

The Rat's physical nature and the Horse's energetic spirit may draw these two together but staying together poses some issues. They also share a good sense of humor and witty conversations, but the Rat needs a dependable circle of close friends, family and loved one. The Horse is very independent, resists getting "tied down" and often gets wanderlust. The Rat may enjoy the challenge at first, but will eventually fall back upon its circle of friends. In business, if roles are clearly defined it may work, but generally, this is not the easiest combination.

These two probably met through friends or in some social situation and had an instant attraction. They have a lot in common! They are high energy, love new adventures and being out ont the town. The Dragon may be a bit more confident than the Horse so it will need to remind the Horse that it is special to the Dragon. The Horse can easily get bored with many other signs, but the Dragon can keep the Horse interested for a very long time!

They are both romantic and make love a priority so they have this emotional bond in common. They are very different however in other ways. The Rabbit needs reassurance in relationships to feel loved and protected while the Horse not only gets bored easily, but loves its independence. The Horse also can change its mind and affections easily which does not sit well with the Rabbit. The Rabbit may feel it is doing most of the work in the relationship and for this to last, the Horse would need to meet the Rabbit half way.

Similar interests and approaches in life make this pair a compatible team in love, business, friendship or as family. They are both social creatures, meeting new people, enjoying many friends and numerous activities. Usually neither sign is prone to possesiveness or jealousy and both need to have their own space so these two are able to balance independence and commitment perfectly well. As lovers, the Tiger will need to be creative and come up with new romantic ideas occasionally to keep the Horse from becoming bored, as the Horse is naturally a bit fickle.

The attraction may have started out from friendship or a business arrangement. They can learn much from the other but day to day ease of living together as lovers will require some work. The Horse admires the dependability of the Ox and the Ox can make the Horse feel loved and appreciated. The Horse is more likely the aggressive one and may need to coax the Ox into getting out a bit more and trying new things. The danger is that the Horse will get bored with the Ox and wish to move on. Both signs are capable of working toward a goal, but must agree upon the objectives!

This can be a mutual admiration society with the Horse appreciating the artistic, creative or emotional nature of the Goat and the Goat in awe of the Horse's energy, wit and sense of fun and adventure. The Horse is very romantic in love and the dreamy Goat will swim right into the sea of love. The issues arise when the Horse, who can get bored easily - begins to get wanderlust. The Goat is very diplomatic and may not say anything but slowly drift away. The Horse will need to keep mindful of the Goat's sensitive side and to reassure the Goat of its special place in the Horse's heart to keep this going strong.

In some ways the Horse and Monkey connect very well, with love of fun, meeting new people and discovering new stimulating experiences. However, the Horse can get a bit restless at times and independent, while the Monkey being a pleasure seeker, will not appreciate the sudden unavailability of its pleasure partner. Both have a potential to stray from a committed relationship or to avoid one, so this is an attraction that may be hot and heavy at first, but rather short lived in duration.

These two can enjoy talking to one another about a variety of subjects and also connect on a mental level extremely well. The Rooster is more of a home body, but does like to get out and socialize some and the Horse is a lively companion! There will usually not be any competition for the limelight and the Horse actually admires the Rooster's attention to detail and desire for perfection. The mental connection can be enough to keep the Horse from becoming bored or wandering off as long as the Rooster refrains from its tendency to criticize or nag.

These two can get along very well being generally amiable, likeable and social signs. They are generally happy individuals and can enjoy both a physical and mental connection that will keep the Horse's interest and satisfy the Dog's needs. They will most likely be on the go and have busy calendars. The Dog's occasional moodiness only fascinates the Horse and the Horse can have its moods too so both will allow for this. They are fond of travel and make excellent travel companions.

The Horse's sexual attractiveness will certainly get noticed by the sensual Pig and a love affair may soon result. At first glance this may seem like a dream come true, but as time goes on, the innate differences will emerge and require some attention. The Horse comes on strong when it falls in love but often falls out just as dramatically and the Pig needs ongoing support and care, which it happily also provides. The Horse will also want to socialize more while the Pig would be happier to cozy up on a couch for the evening. Compromises will need to be made.


Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Snake

Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability: The Snake

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

7 9 3 7 8 8 4 7 4 9 8 4


This pair can get along quite well, helping to reassure the other of any insecurities or tendency to jealousy for they will share the same desires and values. Both being intelligent and goal oriented, they can achieve their goals in romance, business or as friends. The allure of the Snake will ensure a rich sensual life and their home will be comfortable and as luxurious as their budgets allow. The only issue may be that of who is in charge and in this case it is best to keep it as equal as possible a partnership.

The Rat's physical nature and the Snake's attractiveness and charms can easily bring them together and keep the passions burning. They are very different but these differences can help balance out the other. The Snake is a deep thinker and the Rat loves to party! Were it not for the Rat, the Snake could very well become a recluse! The Rat admires the Snake's intellect and the Snake finds the Rat to be clever and fun.

The Dragon's physical nature and the Snake's subtle magetism can easily bring about a romance between the pair. The Snake will need to keep any jealous tendencies in check while the Dragon makes its social rounds, and the Dragon needs to set aside quiet times at home alone with the Snake, which the Snake loves. These two are good in business together since the Snake is intelligent and intuitive and the Dragon knows how to take advantage of the Snake's hunches and turn them into opportunities.

This pair definintely can have a meeting of the minds. There may be more of a mental connection than a physical one at first, but a sensitive and sensual relationship can also exist. The Snake is deep and the Rabbit is intuitive so a "soul connection" could be made and while the Snake's indirect expressions may baffle some, the Rabbit will most likely understand them. There can be some issues though, since the Rabbit needs reminders of love, and the Snake is charming but does not find expressing love easy. The Snake also has a tendency to become jealous and so both partners might end up feeling unloved due to their different natures. They often work together well in business.
The Snake is mysteriously seductive and the Tiger is charmingly sexy so these two may connect very quickly. In business these two can do very well with the Tiger being a natural leader in new ideas and the Snake charming the customers, but in the romance department things are not as easy. The free spirited and independent Tiger can increase the occasional insecure or jealous feelings of the Snake. While the Snake is not aggressive it gets its way though subtle means and the Tiger will want to be in charge so there is bound to be some friction.

Similar interests and approaches in life make this pair a compatible team in love, business, friendship or in family. They are both practical and goal oriented. Their passion is a private one, but one that includes a close and deep bond. To other signs in the zodiac they may appear to be a mild mannered couple but in their chosen and secluded environments, be it at home or a vacation spot, they are capable of coming out of their shells and cutting loose!

The Snake and Horse are not the easiest of companions. The Snake likes to stay home and is private and shy, while the Horse likes to be on the move and is more boisterous. The Horse can be direct and the bluntness can upset the Snake while the Snake's tendency for insecurity and some jealousy will only serve to scare the Horse away. They may care for one another, but miscommunication will often result.

These two may connect on artistic or creative levels as well as in sensual pleasures and the pairing is a good one, but requires some compromise. Both are intuitive and gentle souls and can create a sanctuary from the maddening world. The Snake however tends to be possessive and the Goat likes to feel free even if they are very much involved. The Goat needs to take the Snake's behaviour as a compliment and reassure the Snake of its love. The Goat may want to travel or go out a bit more than the Snake but the Snake should benefit and enjoy such adventures.

Both signs can be charming and they can have fun together, especially in social situations. But that may be the best part of this relationship. The hot button for the Snake - a tendency to feel insecure or jealous with anyone except the most loyal and devoted lovers, can be a problem with the frolicking and often flirtatous Monkey. While it may not threaten other signs of the zodiac, it may be hard for the Snake to accept the Monkey's outgoing ways. The Snake also likes to stay at home most of the time while the Monkey would prefer to be on the go.

This can be a match made in heaven. They value the same things and work well to achieve life's goal - more so than they could achieve on their own. Both love to socialize a bit but most of the time are content with stay at home private activities alone or with friends and family. The Snake may not be as neat and clean as the Rooster who is a perfectionist, but very few will meet the Rooster's standards in this area! They are capable of a long lasting and strong bond, be it as lovers, friends or co-workers.

This is a good comination with the loyal nature of the Dog quelling any feelings of insecurity or jealousy that the Snake can be feel in relationships. The Dog will appreciate the intuitive quality of the Snake that can decypher the moods of the Dog and understand the Dog's need for peace at home since the Snake needs that too. The Dog is protective and the Snake's posessiveness can actually be interpreted by the Dog as a different form of protectiveness. They are a good pair in love, business or friendship.

As lovers they would both enjoy a sensual environment, luxuries which they can afford and are for the most part quiet stay at home types. Despite these things in common, there can be much miscommunication between these two. The Snake finds it difficult to be direct and express its feelings and so it behaves in certain ways that need to be deciphered. The Pig can misunderstand and be hurt by the behavior of the Snake and then the cold side of the Pig would emerge. This will only feed the insecurity of the Snake and it will mostly likely cut the ties that bind.


Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Dragon

Chinese Astrology Sign Compatatbility: The Dragon (10 being the best)


Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

10 7 6 7 9 8 8 7 10 9 2 8


An intense, passionate and electric pair! The Dragon is a sexy and allluring presence and together there can be nothing less than fireworks! Both are intelligent and tend to be lucky. The only problem is if they get used to being lucky they take unnecessary risks. Once these two decide on something, there is very little they cannot achieve! With two Dragons there is bound to be some fire and arguments, but usually they will be out having fun and not have much time to disagree!

About as good as it gets! As friends, lovers, family members or in business. The Dragon can intimidate other signs in the Chinese Zodiac, but not the Rat - who has a clever wit and loves verbal exchanges. They both like to be in control so there may be some clashes, but both will forget and forgive easily and learn to take turns being center stage.

While very different from one another, they are capable of great love and devotion. The Rabbit can see into the Dragon's soul and know the Dragon better than anyone. The Dragon can make the Rabbit feel protected and loved. Both enjoy family and friends and the Dragon can help bring the shy Rabbit's fun loving side out, while the Rabbit can provide sweet, sensitive affection and care for the Dragon.

These two may be drawn to one another like magnets but , this can be challenging for the long term. The Tiger admires the ability to make it on its own, while the Dragon likes to be in control. The danger is that a contest of wills may emerge and while they are a dynamic pair and can keep up with one another in and out of the bedroom, their individual desires for dominance in their own ways may make this very difficult.

This is a case of opposites attracting! The Ox tends to be more serious and shy while the Dragon is more social and outgoing. The Dragon thinks highly of the Ox's honorable nature and purposefulness and the Ox thinks of the Dragon as cougrageous and fearless. The Dragon is likely to take the lead in romantic moves. These two make excellent business partners also, with the Dragon's luck with money and the Ox's hardworking and persevering nature.

The Dragon's physical nature and the Snake's subtle magetism can easily bring about a romance between the pair. The Snake will need to keep any jealous tendencies in check while the Dragon makes its social rounds, and the Dragon needs to set aside quiet times at home alone with the Snake, which the Snake loves. These two are good in business together since the Snake is intelligent and intuitive and the Dragon knows how to take advantage of the Snake's hunches and turn them into opportunities.

These two probably met through friends or in some social situation and had an instant attraction. They have a lot in common! They are high energy, love new adventures and being out ont the town. The Dragon may be a bit more confident than the Horse so it will need to remind the Horse that it is special to the Dragon. The Horse can easily get bored with many other signs, but the Dragon can keep the Horse interested for a very long time!

This pair can work out well in many ways. The Goat can provide a nice creative environment for the Dragon either at home or work and the Dragon can provide cheer for the somewhat worry prone Goat. The Goat however likes some independence while the Dragon likes to take care of everybody and be in control, so it is important that the Goat gets it's "space" when needed. As long as the Dragon expresses its love for the Goat, which the Goat needs on a regular basis, with a little flattery thrown in these two can last a lifetime.

Two hot blooded lovers to be sure! Both are likely to be on the go and have a varied social life. Neither will want to do the chores though, so their home may not be the best kept one on the block! Two courageous, exciting personalities are bound to conflict once in a while but neither are given to grudges so any differences can be worked out. These two can't wait to get back to having fun so they will find a way! They need to be more cautious in business however, and in mutual investments as both tend to be risk-takers.

These two balance each other very well and can be a great team, although they may appear to be quite different. The Dragon is outgoing and fun-loving, while the Rooster is more of a home body, even shy and conservative. The Dragon can help the Rooster lighten up and have fun and laughs, while the Rooster can help the Dragon make sure that the practical things in life get taken care of. The Rooster is a loyal lover and the Dragon will appreciate this even if the Rooster tends to nag at times. The Rooster will appreciate the fun and excitement that the Dragon brings.

This is often a case of instant hot attraction, but which has some real challenges for a lasting commitment. It is the Dragon's nature to be expressive and dramatic, while it is the Dog's nature to be calm, emotionally balanced and generally peaceful. The Dog however can be moody, which the Dragon may find hard to understand. It may take some time for the Dog to trust the Dragon, and vice versa, but both are loyal and protective of their loved ones and they have that in common.

The Dragon and Pig make a very compatible pair. Both are basically good hearted people with appreciation for family and friends. The Pig likes the finer things in life and the Dragon will appreciate the Pig's home enivronment. They can be great lovers, but the Pig is not as outgoing so it may want to spend much more time alone with the Dragon while the Dragon will urge the Pig to get out more often! The time they spend together, however, will be special and worthwhile, and both are capable of enduring loyalty.


Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Rabbit


Rabbit: (10 being the best)
Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

7 8 5 8 7 7 5 9 4 2 8 9

What a sweet pair this is! Two sensitive, artistic and caring individuals capable of making real love and forming a close emotional bond. This very bond however, can cause some issues. Rabbits can become a bit depressed at times or lose their optimism and if both do this at the same time, one of them will have to step up to the task of turning this tide around. Both will enjoy entertaining family and friends at home and enjoy romantic evenings together. Their home is likely to have nice decor.

While very different from one another, they are capable of great love and devotion. The Rat is much more outgoing than the Rabbit and may win all the arguments, but the Rabbit can be prone to getting depressed so the Rat will keep the Rabbit's spirits up and always on the go. The Rabbit is so very loyal that the Rat will learn to appreciate the special and intimate connection it can have with the Rabbit.

While very different from one another, they are capable of great love and devotion. The Rabbit can see into the Dragon's soul and know the Dragon better than anyone. The Dragon can make the Rabbit feel protected and loved. Both enjoy family and friends and the Dragon can help bring the shy Rabbit's fun loving side out, while the Rabbit can provide sweet, sensitive affection and care for the Dragon.

These two may be drawn to one another but this can be challenging for the long term. The Tiger is proud and independent, while the Rabbit needs to know where it stands in a relationship. The Rabbit is sensitive, caring, giving and if not careful, can be taken advantage of. The Tiger would not mean to take advantage, but it is naturally more dominant and can easily intimidate the Rabbit. As lovers, the Rabbit is so giving that it may not speak up and tell the Tiger that its needs are not being met. And the Tiger may find the Rabbit to be too conservative as a lover.

These two are made for each other in many ways. Both are kind and sensitive souls who love to spend evenings alone or with a close circle of loved ones. The Ox will not take advantage of the Rabbit's sometimes overly generous nature and the Rabbit will admire the Ox's dependability. This is a sweet and tender pairing of basically shy and peace loving signs that will do almost anything to avoid a disagreement. There may not be a lot of fireworks but that is not very important to either of these signs, which place higher value on shared values and quiet contentment.

This pair definintely have a meeting of the minds. There may be more of a mental connection than a physical one at first, but a sensitive and sensual relationship can also exist. The Snake is deep and the Rabbit is intuitive so a "soul connection" could be made. There can be some issues though, since the Rabbit needs reminders of love, and the Snake is charming but does not always find expressing love easy. The Snake also has a tendency to become jealous and so both partners might end up feeling unloved due to their different natures. They can make great business partners and friends.

The Rabbit & Horse are both romantic and put love high on their lists so they have this emotional bond in common. They are very different however in other ways. The Rabbit needs reassurance in relationships to feel loved and protected while the Horse not only gets bored easily, but loves its independence. The Horse also can change its mind and affections easily which does not sit well with the Rabbit. The Rabbit may feel it is doing most of the work in the relationship and for this to last, the Horse would need to meet the Rabbit half way.

Here is a potential for a long term relationship! Both signs are romantic, intuitive and emotional rather than cerebral. Both need to feel loved and supported and are oriented toward family and close friendships and both are capable of giving the other this kind of love and support. While the naturally quiet or shy Rabbit can be irritated by other signs in the zodiac, it is unlikely that the Goat will do so. Goat & Rabbit are both creative or artistic signs so they will create a nice home and a sensual atmosphere. The only issue is that both are indeed emotional so if both are depressed at the same time, one of them will have to rise to the occasion to snap them out of it. Otherwise, this is a very good pair.

These two may have some common interests or hobbies but their approach to life is very different, making this a challenge for ultimate compatibility. The Monkey loves socializing, is always seeking fun and pleasure while the sensitive Rabbit would prefer to stay home and have a quiet dinner and watch a video. The Monkey's desire for the excitement of new adventures, crowds and parties goes against the grain of the artistic, inward-looking Rabbit who might go along once in a while but will find a steady diet of the Monkey's lifestyle not to its liking.

Most likely the emotional connection was the attraction in this pairing for both signs are capable of steadfast, loyal and loving relationships. The Rabbit especially is capable of investing itself totally - sometimes too much - into a relationship. However there are some challenges. The Rooster can be very dependable, but it can nag and criticize the sensitive Rabbit. The Rabbit may feel its not getting the unconditional love that it gives in return. The Rabbit tends to be artistic and does not like chores while the Rooster likes cleanliness and seeks order and organization.

This is a great team for lasting relationships. The Dog finds it hard to trust people but the Rabbit is so very trustworthy, caring and patient that mutual trust will soon form. The Dog is loyal and generally peace loving and that fits perfectly with the artistic, intuitive and sensitive Rabbit. While other signs may take advantage of Rabbit's giving nature, the Dog has a strong sense of ethics and would not do so. The Dog can get moody at times but the devotion of the Rabbit can pull the Dog out of its emotional rut. And the Dog can demonstrate the much needed affection and protection that the Rabbit requires.

The Rabbit and Pig are a great compatible team, be it in love, friendship, business or as family members. The Pig enjoys giving the love, support, affection and care that the Rabbit must have in order to stay balanced and happy. Both will feel loved and secure and have similar views of the world. The Pig is an optimist and sees the best in others while the Rabbit has great compassion so these two fit like hand in glove. Many signs are too aggressive for the Rabbit and while the Pig is more outgoing, it is not overbearing. Communication between the two is likely to be excellent.


Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Tiger


Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

4 4 5 5 6 3 9 4 2 4 9 7

Double the charisma and sexiness of the Tiger and no doubt there is a reason these two are attracted to each another! Their similarities however, may cause issues. Both want to be in control and a contest of wills is likely. Since the Tiger is truly warm hearted each needs to take turns giving each other the reins of power! Since the Tiger likes its freedom or to feel free even within a relationship, it is possible that neither Tiger will feel secure for the long term. A steamy love affair is certainly probable!

The two may start out with fireworks but they are so very much alike, this can be challenging for the long haul. Both will want to be the center of attention and both may feel they are not getting what they need. For business partnerships, the Rat can be the secret "power behind the scenes" while the Tiger excels in up front marketing. If these two can find a healthy outlet for their competitive natures then a lasting friendship can result.

These two may be drawn to one another like magnets but , this can be challenging for a committed relationship. The Tiger likes to feel independent, while the Dragon likes to be in control. The danger is that a contest of wills may ensue and while they are a dynamic pair that can keep up with one another in and out of the bedroom, their approaches to everyday living are very different and may prove to be too much to go the distance.

These two may be attracted to one another but this can be challenging for the long term. The Tiger is self-reliant and may not understand that the Rabbit needs to know where it stands in a relationship and an ongoing show of love. The Rabbit is sensitive, caring, giving and if not careful, can be taken advantage of. The Tiger would not do this on purpose, but it is naturally more dominant and can intimidate the Rabbit. As lovers, the Rabbit is so giving that it may not speak up and tell the Tiger that its needs are not being met. And the Tiger may find the Rabbit to be too conservative as a lover.

These two can learn quite a bit from one another and balance out their individual weaknesses. However because they are so different in their natures, it is uncommon to find this pair in a committed romantic relationship. The Tiger loves to start things and Ox knows how to complete them. The Ox is steadfast and fixed while the Tiger is hard to pin down. The Tiger's magnetism will be alluring for the Ox and the Tiger will respect the Ox's focused qualities. For this to work, the Tiger will usually have to win the Ox over with its charisma and personality.

The Snake is mysteriously seductive and the Tiger is charming and sexy so these two may connect very quickly. In business these two can do very well with the Tiger being a natural leader in new ideas and the Snake charming the customers, but in the romance department things are not quite as easy. The free spirited and independent nature of the Tiger can increase the occasional insecure or jealous feelings of the Snake. While the Snake is not aggressive it gets its way though subtle means and the Tiger will want to be in charge as well.

Similar interests and approaches in life make this pair a compatible team in love, business, friendship or as family. They are both social creatures, meeting new people, enjoying many friends and numerous activities. Usually neither sign is prone to possesiveness or jealousy and both need to have their own space so these two are able to balance independence and commitment perfectly well. As lovers, the Tiger will need to be creative and come up with new romantic ideas occasionally to keep the Horse from becoming bored, as the Horse is naturally a bit fickle.

Both love to travel and enjoy new adventures, but they are also very different in key ways. The Goat needs a lot of reassurance, support and a little flattery won't hurt either - to feel secure. The Tiger must feel independent and free or it becomes unhappy. The Tiger would be a great friend for the Goat but as a lover, it may feel the Goat is demanding more than it can or wishes to give. The Goat may feel its loving care is not being returned. It may not be a lack of love, but that their love natures are very different.

This fun-loving pair can make great friends, especially when out on the town. And when the Tiger needs some space , the frolicking Monkey will have no trouble finding something fun to do and will be okay with that. For day to day commitment however they may find themselves challenged. The Monkey likes to be center stage - and so does the Tiger! The Tiger likes to be in charge and the Monkey is a bit of a rebel and even reckless at times, leading the Tiger to feel that the Monkey is not serious. And the Monkey may feel that the Tiger is not emotional and romantic enough for its needs.

Both are capable of fierce loyalty and each have their own brand of charm. They are best suited in a partnership in business where the Rooster takes care of details and the practical needs and the Tiger provides the vision. For romance, however a lot of work is needed to keep the attraction going. The Rooster is a perfectionist according to how it sees the world, and the Tiger wants the world to bend to its needs and wishes! The natural independence and leadership qualities of the Tiger conflict with the Roosters need for predictability, routine and stability.

This duo has great potential for a long term relationship . Neither are prone to jealousy and both are amiable and social. They both share an intense loyalty they have for their loved ones and a desire to protect them. Both will feel secure and loved in this teaming. The Tiger is noble and courageous and will have no trouble gaining the trust of the sometimes skeptical Dog. As the Tiger sometimes needs its space and the Dog also needs its rest periods this pair should not have any issues allowing for some independence. They will accommodate each other's needs as lovers to make sure each is satisfied. They are also compatible as family members, business partners or as friends.

The Tiger is charsimatic and sexy and the Pig is a luxurious sensualist so these two can light the fires of passion and romance. They may be best as lovers and will have to work a bit more on being friends and mates for the long run. The Pig needs a dependable source of support and love and a solid home life to be happy. The Tiger can easily start to feel hemmed in or tied down because of its freedom loving nature which can be puzzling and unsettling to the Pig. Communication and compromise are needed to close the gap.


Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Ox


Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

6 8 4 8 7 9 5 2 4 9 7 7

These two can accomplish most anything in romance or in business as they agree on just about everything! They are both serious minded, prefer to stay at home, have a small but close circle of family and friend and on the quiet side. Both enjoy achieving their goals through dedication and perseverence. Since neither is domineering there may be a challenge on delegating duties. As long as each knows what role to play this team can achieve their goals! In the romance department there may not be a lot of hearts and flowers but languid sensuality is enjoyed by both.

This is a case of opposites attracting! The Ox tends to be more serious and shy while the Rat is more social and easy going. The Rat respects the Ox's dedication and purpose and the Ox enjoys the Rat's sense of humor. They are both very high stamina lovers so no problems there. They are also compatible in business with the Rat's strategic talents and the Ox's steady determination.

These two can complement each other very well, although they are different. The Dragon is very expressive and outgoing, but thinks highly of the Ox's honorable nature and purposefulness. The Ox is more quiet, but thinks of the Dragon as cougrageous and fearless. The Dragon is likely to take the lead in romantic moves. These two make excellent business partners also, with the Dragon's luck and the Ox's hardworking and persevering nature.

These two are made for each other in many ways. Both are kind and sensitive souls who love to spend evenings alone or with a close circle of loved ones. The Ox will not take advantage of the Rabbit's sometimes overly generous nature and the Rabbit will admire the Ox's dependability. This is a sweet and tender pairing of basically shy and peace loving signs that will do almost anything to avoid a disagreement. There may not be a lot of fireworks but that is not very important to either of these signs, which place a higher value on shared values and quiet contentment.

These two can learn quite a bit from one another and balance out their individual weaknesses. However because they are so different, it may prove challenging in a committed romantic relationship. The Tiger loves to start things but may not always finish them while the Ox respects the ability to complete projects and achieve goals. The Ox is steadfast and fixed on a purpose while the Tiger is hard to pin down and needs to feel free. The Tiger's magnetism will be alluring for the Ox and the Tiger will respect the Ox's focused qualities, but for this to work, the Tiger will have to win the Ox over with sheer charisma and personality.

Similar interests and approaches in life make this pair a compatible team in love, business, friendship or in family. They are both practical and goal oriented. Their passion is a private one, but one that includes a close and deep bond. To other signs in the zodiac they may appear to be a mild mannered couple but in their chosen and secluded environments, be it at home or a vacation spot, they are capable of coming out of their shells and cutting loose!

The attraction may have started out from friendship or a business arrangement. They can learn much from the other but day to day ease of living together as lovers will require some work. The Ox is dependable and steadfast. The Horse is more frivolous, gets bored easily and more independent. The Ox can certainly make the Horse feel loved however and may be coaxed by the Horse into enjoying some new adventures. Both signs are capable of hard work, but must agree upon mutual goals.

These two are very different from one another and any initial attraction will require much understanding and adaptating to make it last. The Goat is emotional, romantic, a dreamer and the Ox is very practical and down to earth. The Goat is creative, often artistic and the Ox may think the Goat's ideas to be too unusal. The Goat on the other hand may think of the Ox as a bit stuffy and not emotional or romantic enough. This will require work!

The Monkey is most likely the aggressor in the romantic pursuit and the Ox may respond over time. The Ox may think of the Monkey as fun, but sooner or later these two are bound to disagree for their natures are vastly different. The Ox is more shy and quiet and prefers evenings spent at home. The Monkey is a party animal and needs to socialize and mix. The Ox wants a steady partner and will most likely see the Monkey as too risky due to its outgoing nature.

This can be a match made in heaven. Both tend to be on the conservative side, the Ox takes pride in doing a good job and the Rooster is a perfectionist. They tend to share the same values and neither is prone to temper or boisterous expressions. They usually share good taste in decor, art, music or food and while the Ox may be a bit more earthy as a lover the Rooster will respond to the sensuality and add some romance into the pot. They can also do well together in business or in friendship.

This is an excellent pairing with the Ox's trustworthy and dependable nature reassuring the Dog's innate sense of distrust. The Dog can be moody at times and will appreciate the Ox's bedrock nature. The Ox will create an ordered home environment which supports the Dog's need for peace. The Ox will admire the protectiveness and loyalty of the Dog and even if they both get stubborn at times, the Ox will be able to smooth things out .

These two will revel in sensuality and are the couple that can spend hours in a bath, eating a meal, or other tactile pleasures. The connection will most certainly be physical at a minimum. However, the more outgoing Pig can also help bring out the Ox's less serious side and the Ox will be there for the Pig in times of need. The Pig is optimistic and sees the best in others and this balances out the sometimes judgemental opinions of the Ox. This pair can do well as friends, lovers and partners.


Chinese Astrology Sign Compatability - The Rat

RAT COMPATIBILITY (10 bening the best)

Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig Rat

9 6 4 7 10 7 3 4 10 6 8 8

A great working team, and also well matched as lovers since the Rats will work hard to accumulate material success and are very practical about sensual pleasures. They may need to pay someone to do the chores however, since Rats usually do not like to do hum-drum chores!

About as good as it gets! As friends, lovers, family members or in business. The Dragon can intimidate other signs in the Chinese Zodiac, but not the Rat - who has a clever wit and loves verbal exchanges. They both like to be in control so there may be some clashes, but both will forget and forgive easily and learn to take turns being center stage. This pair will certainly be the life of any party!

While very different from one another, they are capable of great love and devotion. The Rat is much more outgoing than the Rabbit and may win all the arguments, but the Rabbit can be prone to getting depressed so the Rat will keep the Rabbit's spirits up and on the go. The Rabbit is so very loyal that the Rat will learn to appreciate the special connection it can have with the Rabbit.

These two may start out with fireworks but they are so very much alike, this can be challenging for the long haul. For business partnerships, the Rat can be the secret driving force while the Tiger takes care of the up front marketing. If these two can find a healthy outlet for their competitive natures then a lasting friendship or romance can result.

This is a case of opposites attracting! The Ox tends to be more serious and shy while the Rat is more socialable and easy going. The Rat respects the Ox's dedication and purpose and the Ox enjoys the Rat's sense of humor. They are both very high stamina lovers so no problems there. They are also compatible in business with the Rat's strategic talents and the Ox's steady determination.

The Rat's physical nature and the Snake's alluring appearance can easily bring them together and keep the passions burning. They are very different but these differences can help balance out the other. The Snake is a deep thinker and the Rat is a party animal! The Rat admires the Snake's intellect and the Snake finds the Rat to be clever and fun.

These two have a lot in common so there may be a mutual attraction and friendship at a minimum. But their differences may be a challenge to iron out for a deep commitment. Both are outgoing, like new things and witty. However the Rat likes a close circle of friends to depend upon while the Horse respects and requires independence! The freedom loving and variety loving Horse may prove to be a bit too self-reliant for the Rat.

This pair is great for a business combo with the Rat taking care of the customers and marketing while the Goat provides the creative energy and drive. In love and romance, they may bond very closely at home and connect on a sensitive and deep level. The main problem comes into play in day to day living when the Goat will want to go to some mountain retreat or work on some creative project, while the Rat wants to hang with friends or go to a party!

An excellent match! These two are the life of the party and can have some incredible adventures together! There may be some competing for the limelight however, and some heated arguments, but they will make up just as passionately. The smart Rat will let the Monkey feel like it has control, while quietly making plans for both! They are both great in business as well as in romance or friendship.

The Rat and Rooster can be good friends and lovers too - as long as they are out and about with friends or enjoying the social scene. For the long term, however, the more conservative and careful Rooster may find the Rat's unconventional or creative ideas incompatible with those of the Rooster. And Rat may find the Rooster is too much of a homebody. The Rooster is a loyal mate, so the appreciative Rat should compliment the Rooster often, and make time for quiet evenings at home alone with the Rooster to keep things happy.

This is a good friendship and even better as romantic lovers. The Dog is a loyal friend and Rats love their friends - especially the loyal ones! The Rat is outgoing and light hearted and can cheer up the sometimes moody Dog. Both are physical and down to earth and enjoy the sensual pleasures of romantic encounters. The Rat is shrewd in business and the Dog can sense the inner quality of other people and help the Rat to avoid trusting the wrong people.

An effective combo for friends, lovers or business partners. The Pig likes the finer things in life and the Rat is materially and practically motivated so they can achieve a good life together. The Pig puts family and friends first and the Rat must have its circle of friends so both can enjoy much social life and many mutual friends. The Pig may get a little lazy at times and the Rat may get a bit hot tempered but the Rat is a good communicator so these differences can be ironed out.